Spatial Delight
A ten-part podcast about space, society, and power inspired by British geographer Doreen Massey. From a London laundromat to a public park in Berlin, from a contested waterfront in Kochi to the Egyptian desert, our show seeks to inspire listeners to think about space and place as full of power, and to imagine political alternatives to the current world order.
12 episodes
Time to Think
Over the course of this series, we’ve talked about the importance of education beyond the university. We've taken you to a public park, a cathedral, an art gallery, a library, a living room, a laundromat and to the streets. But univers...
Season 1
Episode 10
Invasión Espacial
Geografes como Doreen Massey argumentan que el espacio es producido socialmente. En este episodio hablamos de la producción del espacio por cuerpas migrantes y escuchamos del carnaval cómo una perfecta invasión espacial.Bose Sarmiento, ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Political Engagement
Doreen Massey was a geographer and public scholar concerned with how political action takes place not only on the level of policy, but also on the level of activism and everyday discourse. Host Agata Lisiak speaks about Massey’s political engag...
Season 1
Episode 8
Visual Delight
Some of our listeners – especially the lucky ones who got hold of our postcards – have asked us about the beautiful illustration accompanying Spatial Delight. What exactly does the colourful image depict? How does it connect to Doreen Massey’s ...
Season 1
Geographical Imaginations
Host Agata Lisiak meets with artist and academic Heba Y. Amin at the Zilberman Gallery in Berlin. Professor Amin gives us a tour of her exhibition, When I See the Future, I Close My Eyes, and discusses how colonial and imperialist violenc...
Season 1
Episode 7
Space Invaders
Though she was a life-long Liverpool FC fan, Doreen Massey felt like a “space invader” whenever she attended matches, as she’d often be one of the few women on football terraces. Inspired by Massey’s usage of the term, sociologist Nirmal Puwar ...
Season 1
Episode 6
Geometrías del Poder
El paisaje físico y político de un país es un reflejo de las relaciones de poder en la sociedad. ¿Es posible hacer que estas relaciones sean más igualitarias? ¿Es posible cambiar significativamente lo que Doreen Massey llamó "geometrías del pod...
Season 1
Episode 5
Cities for the Many Not the Few
For Doreen Massey, every place poses a challenge, “the challenge of negotiating a here-and-now” – or what she called throwntogetherness. In this episode, we hear about different struggles to make cities more liveable – and more jus...
Season 1
Episode 4
World City
Doreen Massey once wrote that “it is (or ought to be) impossible even to begin thinking about Kilburn High Road without bringing into play half the world and a considerable amount of British imperialist history.” In this episode, urban sociolog...
Season 1
Episode 3
Geography Matters!
Much of our world – how we imagine it, how we inhabit it – continues to be shaped by various forms of imperialism and colonialism. In this episode, we discuss how geography can help us understand the many entanglements of the global and the loc...
Season 1
Episode 2